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:2*" ;3 # <4,$?7/'>6.&=5-%      )4%/7(3-!0,1'8"5.*2$                                                                                                                                  ����������������������:2*" <4,$ >6.&@80( 91)! ;3 # =5-% ?7/'(08@ '/7?&.6>%- 5=$, 4<# 3;"* 2:!) 19    verify_eep_macaddrverify_eeprom_alc�u���u���u���u���u��v�� ���$���<���h���ȯ��� �`��`���,��,�p p ����console=ttys1,115200n8u-boot*ehci host controller����`o�getimagegetimage - burn 8m-image [image_name] testtest - command using by vpt [type] test_magickey has_apoldreset=%d oldwifi=%d oldwps=%d oldreset=%d oldwifi=%d hw_versionv1.1oldreset=%d oldwps=%d oldreset=%d test_magickey: reset test_magickey: wifi test_magickey: wps usb storage %d should be found! setenv macstr xsetenv serial_num %csaveenvsetenv test %dsetenv firmware_zone 1saveenv error!!! %s->error: factory erase failed!eeprom version = 0x%x%x error %d! macstrcan't get mac partition back 60k image because no mac info xxxxxx.imgsave env back 60k image fail hw_devicefip11cfip11cpfip10fip10phas_athrs17 !!!product in boardtest mode________________ !!!product in agingtest mode________________ vpt_force_message have send!!![boardtest engine vpt_test = 1]::unknown command or report [agingtest vpt_test = 2]::unknown command or report burn mac result %d certget and save env back 60k image result %d loader_ver ........loader_ver === %s get_eeprom_values: %d --> %d usbledkeyfactorydlparamsetenv test 1tftpboot 80100000 config.flash## get_image cmd argc %d is error! ... %s->%s()->line.%d : ntry_replace=%d!!!!!!!!!!!! net_e3c.c%s->%s()->line.%d : timeout fail serveripipaddrudp with server ; our ip address is ip542rip542nip652ip622ip601fip91p1000g502nfta5102g601ng801g501sg201ng201ncg502ncg801ev2g802g902afwr9202led_gpio|found storage: %s %s %s test fail: no mass storage found found %d storage (re)start usb... arch.c%s->%s()->line.%d : dev_name %s not found mt7620gpiogpio_modegpiomode = %x set_device_id %s int_st_nd_done %s p:%p buf:%p not in nand mode, change it to nand mode ! not in nand mode, change it to nand mode! ili9340_lcd_putc_ascii: couldn't display %c lcd_putc(0xx) no match ascii ftchar lcd_putc(0xx) no match unicode ftchar st7567_lcd_putc_ascii: couldn't display %c lcd_putc(0xx) no match ftchar lcd_putc: couldn't get fonts lib! nand lcd framebuffer initializing... ralink_reg_gpiomode=x not known! nd mode sd mode gpio mode reserved! gpio(!(jtag/ephy_led)) mode (jtag/ephy_led)(!gpio) mode gpio(!spi) mode spi(!gpio) mode gpio(!wled) mode wled(!gpio) mode nfc_ctrl_addr=x! nfc_ctrl=x! th_nand=%u! tp_nand=%u! nand_ts=%u! device: %s lcd driver not found! vga8x16couldn't get font lib of vga8x16! ��ddm!tf3ddd33usun12x22couldn't get font lib of sun12x22! fatal error! ==========display_fatal_error========== save_spi_mode dummy implemented! back_spi_mode dummy implemented! unregister nand lcd driver. not bmp file cfg_logo_addr=%u ----->(pbmpi->bibitcount == 16)! ----->(pbmpi->bibitcount == 24)! v21 ch 1v21 ch 2v23 ch 1v23 ch 2bell103 ch 1bell103 ch 2bell202weitbrecht x10101010123456789010rfrf - read/write rf register usage: rf r - read rf register rf w - write rf register (reg: decimal, data: hex) %s dram: *** failed *** relocate_code pointer at: lx please choose the operation: %d: load system code to sdram via tftp. %d: load system code then write to flash via tftp. %d: boot system code via flash (default). %d: entr boot command line interface. %d: load boot loader code then write to flash via tftp. please input new ones /or ctrl-c to discard input device ip (%s) input server ip 0x802000000x80100000 input uboot filename uboot.binbootfile0x80a00000 input linux kernel filename uimage ================================================= check image@0xx validation: image header magic number --> failed ok bad image header checksum image crc checksum --> check firmware@0xx validation: firmware crc checksum --> warning: abort rw rf register: too busy warning: still busy error: rw register failed enable ephy clock...done. rf reg 29 = %d ssc enabled. swing=%d, upperbound=%d ssc disabled. watchdog reset occurred ****************************** software system reset occurred *************************** software cpu reset occurred ra_spi_init fail ethaddrloadaddr============================================ ralink uboot version: %s %s %s %s asic7620_mp(port5<->none)auto-detectionfrom ubootfrom spi/nanddram_conf_from: %s sdramddr1ddr2dram_type: %s dram component: %d mbits dram bus: %d bit total memory: %d mbytes flash component: spi flashdate:dec 3 2020 time:10:25:21icache: sets:%d, ways:%d, linesz:%d ,total:%d dcache: sets:%d, ways:%d, linesz:%d ,total:%d ##### the cpu freq = %d mhz #### estimate memory size =%d mbytes firmware_zonebi_flashsize=0x%x config_sizesystemlog_sizerootfs_ext_size firmware_zone=%s firmware_sizeis_single_image0x%xapp_checksumchange firmware_zone to 0 rescue_checksumerror_kernelchange firmware zone to 1change firmware zone to 0bootdelay you choosed %c - 0x%x 3: system boot system code via flash. %d: system load linux to sdram via tftp. %d: system load linux kernel then write to flash via tftp. warning!! erase linux in flash then burn new one. are you sure?(y/n) operation terminated autostartno firmware is too big !! flash offset is 0x%x, firmware size 0x%x %d: system enter boot command line interface. %s 6: system coming vpt testing!!!!. %d: reset to factory default. %d: system load uboot to sdram via tftp. yes %d: system load boot loader then write to flash via tftp. warning!! erase boot loader in flash then burn new one. are you sure?(y/n) abort: bootloader size %d too big! system boot linux via flash. ### error ### please reset the board ### usage: %s rf reg <%d> = 0x%x ## warning: gatewayip needed but not set netretryonce arptimeoutcheck arp retry count exceeded; starting again %s->%s()->line.%d : sending arp for lx net.ckaiker,pingsend, sending arp for lx %d.%d.%d.%d en[%d] < ether_hdr_size bad length %d < %d ntohs(arp->ar_hrd) != arp_ether ntohs(arp->ar_pro) != prot_ip arp->ar_hln != 6 arp->ar_pln != 4 netourip got arp request, return our ip got arp reply, set server/gtwy eth addr (x:x:x:x:x:x) got it invalid rarp header len bad %d < %d checksum bad icmp host redirect to nettxpacket = 0xx kseg1addr(nettxpacket) = 0xx netloop,call eth_halt ! netloop,call eth_init ! eth_init is fail !! gatewayipnetmask*** error: ping address not given *** error: `serverip' not set *** error: `ipaddr' not set *** error: `ethaddr' not set packet buffer is empty ! abort bytes transferred = %ld (%lx hex) %lxfilesize%lxfileaddr timeout_count=%d,load address: 0x%lx loading: *octettimeoutfile too largefile has bad magic %lu mb reveived # tftp error: first block is not block 1 (%ld) starting again same block again; ignore it done tftp error: '%s' (%d) starting again t retry count exceeded; starting again test.bin*** warning: no boot file name; using '%s' tftp from server ; sending through gateway filename '%s'. size is 0x%x bytes = no ethernet found. ethprime [prime]00:21:f2:00:00:00trying %s eth_state_active!! fail shnat_flow_table_free_entry_enqueue is called,item== null failed to allocate memory eth0 (10/100-m)set vlan timeout. do not lanwanpartition in test mode. tx_dma_busy !!! waitting for rx_dma_busy status start... done %s: bad packet size: %d @ warring!! packet length has error !!,in normal mode ! normal mode,packet received from cpu port,plen=%d ==:mdiomdio - ralink phy register r/w command !! mdio.r [phy_addr(dec)] [reg_addr(dec)] mdio.w [phy_addr(dec)] [reg_addr(dec)] [data(hex)] mdio.anoff gmac1 force link status enable !! mdio.anon gmac1 force link status disable !! mdio.wb [phy register(dec)] [bit offset(dec)] [value(0/1)] mdio.d - dump all phy registers mdio.d [phy register(dec)] - dump phy registers mdio read operation is ongoing !! mdio read operation is ongoing and time out!! mdio write operation is ongoing !! mdio write operation is ongoing and time out!! =============== global register page %d d: x local register port %d page %d mdio.anoff gmac1 force link status enable !! mdio.anon gmac1 force link status disable !! mdio.r mdio.r addr[0xx]=0xx read addr[0xx] is fail!! mdio.w mdio.w addr[0xx] value[0xx] write[0xx] is fail!! mdio.wb rasd phy fail while mdio.wb was called set bit[%d] to '1' set bit[%d] to '0' mdio.wb addr[0xx] value[0xx] mdio.dspec defined register eraseerase - erase spi flash memory erase all - erase all flash banks erase uboot - erase uboot block erase linux - erase linux kernel block cpcp - memory copy cp.uboot - copy uboot block cp.linux - copy linux kernel block at25df321at26df161fl016aiffl064aifmx25l1605dmx25l3205dmx25l6405dmx25l12805dmx25l25635emx25l51245gs25fl256ss25fl128ps25fl129ps25fl164ks25fl132ks25fl032ps25fl064ps25fl116kf25l64qaf25l32qaen25f16en25q32ben25qh32ben25f32en25f64en25q64en25qh64aen25qh128aw25q32bvw25x32vsw25q64bvw25q128bvw25q256fvn25q032a13ese40fn25q064a13ese40fn25q128a13ese40fn25q256amt25ql512abgd25q32bgd25q64bgd25q128cxm25qh64axm25qh128araspi_protect_loader: offset=x spi flash imageraspi_protect_loader: invalid uboot.img spi_wait_nsec: %x null pointer %s: fail %s: ret: %x %s: read_sr fail: %x 4b mode switch failed spi device id: %x %x %x %x %x (%x) find flash: %s warning: un-recognized chip id, please update bootloader! %s: offs:%x len:%x .%s: from:%x len:%x %s: to:%x len:%x %s: rc:%x page_size:%x %s: offs:%x, count:%x abort: image size larger than %d! block write incorrect! blocksize write incorrect block#=%d! done! cp.linux copy linux image[%d byte] to spi flash[0xx].... cp.uboot copy uboot[%d byte] to spi flash[0xx].... linuxuboot erase linux kernel block !! from 0x%x length 0x%x all erase u-boot block !! ## command too long! ** too many args (max. %d) ** unknown command '%s' - try 'help' bootcmdmt7620 # resetreset - perform reset of the cpu gogo - start application at address 'addr' addr [arg ...] - start application at address 'addr' passing 'arg' as arguments ## starting application at 0xlx ... ## application terminated, rc = 0x%lx bootmbootm - boot application image from memory [addr [arg ...]] - boot application image stored in memory passing arguments 'arg ...'; when booting a linux kernel, 'arg' can be the address of an initrd image image name: %.*s image type: invalid osnetbsdlinuxvxworksqnxu-bootrtemsunknown osunknown architectureinvalid cpualphaarmintel x86ia64mipsmips 64 bitpowerpcibm s390superhsparcsparc 64 bitm68kmicroblazeunknown imageinvalid imagestandalone programkernel imageramdisk imagefirmwarescriptunknown compressionuncompressedgzip compressedbzip2 compressedlzma compressedxz compressed%s %s %s (%s) data size: %d bytes = load address: x entry point: x verify## booting image at lx ... bad magic number,x bad header checksum verifying checksum ... bad data crc unsupported architecture 0x%x wrong image type for %s command standalone applicationunimplemented compression type %d xip %s ... uncompressing %s ... lzma error %d - must reset board to recover can't boot image type %d ## control returned to monitor - resetting... loadbloadb - load binary file over serial line (kermit mode) [ off ] [ baud ] - load binary file over serial line with offset 'off' and baudrate 'baud' ## switch baudrate to %d bps and press enter ... ## ready for binary (kermit) download to 0xlx at %d bps... ## total size = 0xx = %d bytes %x## binary (kermit) download aborted ## start addr = 0xlx ## switch baudrate to %d bps and press esc ... pingping - send icmp echo_request to network host pingaddress tftpboottftpboot- boot image via network using tftp protocol [loadaddress] [bootfilename] netboot_common, argc= %d netbootfilexfersize= x hostnamerootpathdnsipdomainautomatic boot of image at addr 0xlx ... ping failed; host %s is not alive host %s is alive nmnm - memory modify (constant address) [.b, .w, .l] address - memory modify, read and keep address mmmm - memory modify (auto-incrementing) [.b, .w, .l] address - memory modify, auto increment address mdmd - memory display [.b, .w, .l] address [# of objects] - memory display lx: x x base address: 0xlx ? saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage setenvsetenv - set environment variables name value ... - set environment variable 'name' to 'value ...' setenv name - delete environment variable 'name' printenvprintenv- print environment variables - print values of all environment variables printenv name ... - print value of environment variable 'name' defaultenvdefaultenv - default environment variables environment size: %d/%d bytes ** abort ## error: "%s" not defined serial#stdincan't overwrite "%s" stdoutstderrcan't delete "%s" baudrate## baudrate %d bps not supported %s->%s()->line.%d : name=%s argc=%d cmd_nvedit.c%s->%s()->line.%d : argv[%d]=%s len=%d ## error: environment overflow, "%s" deleted grandi._ata_2005x : x %s: not eeprom! lan mac=x:x:x:x:x:x wifi mac=x:x:x:x:x:x done %s: malloc fail change alc from 0xxx to 0x0 alc=0xxx saving environment to %s... debugv1.2?? - alias for 'help' helphelp - print online help [command ...] - show help information (for 'command') 'help' prints online help for the monitor commands. without arguments, it prints a short usage message for all commands. to get detailed help information for specific commands you can type 'help' with one or more command names as arguments. versionversion - print monitor version - no help available. unknown command '%s' - try 'help' without arguments for list of all known commands cannot initialize the list of devices! serial*** warning - bad crc, using default environment error: not usb_config_desc %x unable to get descriptor, error %lx config descriptor too short (expected %i, got %i) selecting invalid interface %derror, too many usb devices, max=%d error: usb_max_hub (%d) reached usb device not responding, giving up (status=%lx) usb device not accepting new address (error=%lx) unable to get device descriptor (error=%d) usb device descriptor short read (expected %i, got %i) failed to set default configuration len %d, status %lx cannot reset port %i!? %d usb device(s) found usb: scanning bus for devices... error, couldn't init lowlevel part communicationhubmass storagecdc datasee interfacehuman interfacevendor specificusb - usb sub-system reset - reset (rescan) usb controller usb tree - show usb device tree usb info [dev] - show available usb devices printeraudiohuman interface, subclass: boot reservednonekeyboardmousemass storage, rbc sff-8020i (atapi)qic-157 (tape)ufisff-8070transp. scsicommand/bulkcommand/bulk/intbulk onlystring: "%s"%d: %s, usb revision %x.%x - %s %s %s - class: - class: (from interface) %s - packetsize: %d configurations: %d - vendor: 0xx product 0xx version %d.%d configuration: %d self powered bus powered remote wakeup - interfaces: %d %s%s%dma - interface: %d - alternate settings %d, endpoints: %d - class - inout - endpoint %d %s controlisochronousinterrupt maxpacket %d interval %dms %s -%d 480 mb/s12 mb/s1.5 mb/s %s (%s, %dma) %s %s %s %s stopstopping usb.. tree device tree: infconfig for device %d *** no device avaiable *** spi flashno valid env addr when save env back 60k img ! erasing spi flash... writing to spi flash... erasing env flash... erasing env2 flash... %2ld.%ld �%s0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzgpio(!rgmii2) mode rgmii2(!gpio) mode ralink_reg_pio7140data=0xx hook--%hu key:%hu--%hu %d-%d: %hu keys_leds initializing... keys_leds exit. detect_row_col_loop... detect_row_col_loop ok! detect_row_col_loop swap ok! 0xxmfr_testmfr_contmfr_maskenter key_rows test hw_vers == v1.1 %hu%huenter key_rows test hw_vers == v1.2 enter keypad short test l%hunum=%d, col=%d, u32_var=%d %hu---%7hdoffset=%hu (%d/%hu) = %d; %d>=%d fip1x_b_detect_row_col_loop: fail! fip1x_b_handset_test: fail! fip1x_b_headphone_test: fail! 3fip1x_d_key_loop_test: fail! back light off!back light on!%d%dback light on! back light off! %d-%dcan't get hw_device, prodecttest fail! plug in poe, hst, hdp...plug in poeplug in hst, hdpmode %hu not supported! mode should 0,1,2 %s:%d:i2c_is_starterr i2c.c%s:%d:i2c_is_ackerror %s:%d:i2c_busy_loop i2c_master_init ralink_reg_clkcfg1=0xx reset alc5621 iic is ready now i2c_write fail: addr x i2c_read fail: addr x i2c_write fail: write x read x addr x i2c for alc5621 fail--reset alc5621. i2c for alc5621 error. reset r i2c_master_exit pcm_base = x reg-x = x register %xh = 0x%x !!!!!!!!! reg08h=0xx !!!!!!!!! reg10h=0xx !!!!!!!!! reg14h=0xx !!!!!!!!! reg12h=0xx !!!!!!!!! reg1ch=0xx !!!!!!!!! reg02h=0xx !!!!!!!!! reg04h=0xx !!!!!!!!! reg06h=0xx inout-------->%d board: ralink apsoc bootargsrootfs_data_sizeramsizeenable_consoleg501f ramsize=%lu hw_device=enable_console = %s enable_console= firmware_zone= config_size= rootfs_data_size= rootfs_ext_size= systemlog_size= firmware_size= is_single_image=## kernel command line: %s ## loading ramdisk image at lx ... bad magic number no linux mips ramdisk image no initrd ## transferring control to linux (at address lx) ... ## giving linux memsize in mb, %lu memsize0xxinitrd_startinitrd_sizeflash_startflash_size starting kernel ... ehci fail timeout std_ass set ehci fail timeout std_ass reset the request port(%d) is not configured port(%d) reset error ehci fail to reset register %x nbrports %d usb ehci %x.x mediatek/ralink usb ehci host init hccr %x and hcor %x hc_length %d .pt_loop ....pt_kp_col ok.press.pt_kp_open r.pt_kp_short r.pt_kp_row ok.pt_kp_short l.pt_kp_sc .pt_loop ok.pt_led ....pt_led ok.pt_voc ....handle voc....headset voc....mic voc....pt_voc ok.pow plug in....pt_cur ....pt_cur ok.bt_eth ....pt_eth ....bt_eth ok.pt_eth ok.bt_eth fail.pt_eth fail.pt_hst ....pt_hst ok.pt_hst failboard test.bt_loop ....bt_loop ok.bt_loop fail.bt_lcd ok.bt_led ....bt_led ok.bt_voc n/a.bt_cur ....bt_cur ok.bt_hst ....bt_hst ok.bt_hst fail.bt_hdp ....bt_hdp ok.bt_hdp fail.pt_hdp ....pt_hdp ok.pt_hdp fail.pt_hdp_hst ....pt_hdphst ok.pt_hdphst failproduct test.pt_lcd....pt_lcd ok.pt_kpd ....pt_kpd ok.pt_lcd r ...bt_sum okpt_sum ok����   � � `@����p⤦���/%@��  $(-39@hq[fr������ cj��@��-�� �[!� t � b� ; ;{����6/><��} !!!!� !!!!����?���������?�<�����?����?�$�$�>�$�?��?��g�x�d_ff^gge4t4t<4<��w�?�<��w�?���� ��������|<08����?�%�%�?�%�%�?�$�4`<�?? ���?�� ���?�8��y�>6�6�6�����?�� � � �?� � � �� �������7������������ ��333535?==��?���<�?���?���8�?wed�?�������??�����wwwwc1a1;a?�� �?�dd�n�?�?�?��s�^���:�:o3�@@�aa�aaa�a0�8�?0p�����08<8�?�?���:'"�:�"$"�?' �? ��?$�$�<>.��?�?�� ���?��� 8���>��������<�x�`���@gon��  � @@@�aaa�a@@@@��?00�����?������?�d\�n �3�q��7�?� � � �?� �?�>6 �  �� � �l��{x�.   8;;s���?�?$?�����44�?�9��b�bb�b@�@@~`p08�gv><�v~<<>vg�����vvccgf66><<911q>?3333333?>80>?3333333?377??==)!!!q999q>?3###?>>??><>>6vgc�?8 ?ggv><<wv>>vg��{~vggv6><99q  ??3??>?????333??00?pp088 >???333??>>000??   >>0088800???������  �@loader_verv0.0.12(dec 3 2020 10:25:22)hw_devicefip11chw_versionv1.1macstrebe79d389ce23d42serial_numflytest000000test1firmware_zone0is_single_image1firmware_size0xcc0000cert0����bootcmd=tftpbootdelay=3baudrate=115200ethaddr="00:21:f2:00:00:00"ipaddr=�aaaaaabbbbbb� @@  @@ )� @ @  ���������� ������!$��",��@4��u<��ad��bl��ct��h\��td��pl��it��q|��r���s��(�� ��0�� ������������,��:r��������,$��4���������0������������k<������������,l��.���������,\�������������d��x��������-�f��f��f��f�xf�hf�xf�hf�8f�(f�f�f��e��e��e��e��e��e��e��e�xe�he�xe�he�8e�(e�e�e��d��d��d��d��d��d��d��d�xd�hd�xd�hd�8d�(d�d�d��c��c��c��c��c��c��c��c�xc�hc�xc�hc�8c�(c�c�c��b��b��b��b��b��b��b��b�xb�hb�xb�hb�8b�(b�b�b��a��a��a��a��a��a��a��a�xa�ha�xa�ha�8a�(a�a�a��@��@��@��@��@��@��@��@�x@�h@�x@�h@�8@�(@�@�@�_�,��~ �,��q �,��b�,��x -�.�4-�:g p-�te l-��� �-�nx �-� c�-�,�-��� �-�l�.�ۏ .��s 8.�q t.�am p.��g �.��h �.�hv �.�m� �.�� �.��n /�5u 4/�eq p/��cl/����/�c�/�/e �/� n �/�\ �/�-n 0�� 00�� l0�.h0�! 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